By playing and leading together, we are creating an inclusive and welcoming world for all! Be part of a powerful new generation that celebrates ALL abilities--in sports, in schools, in health!
More than 50 years ago, Special Olympics launched a global movement to break down barriers and end discrimination against people with intellectual disabilities.
Since then, this peaceful revolution has been changing lives all around the world. Join "The Revolution Is Inclusion"—and be part of a powerful new generation that celebrates all differences, all abilities!
Sign the Inclusion Pledge now—then share with your friends, family, everyone!
Inclusion in Action
Philippines athlete "AJ" was living alone, malnourished, without care or supervision in an abandoned home during the quarantine lockdown; a Special Olympics staffer tracks him down, saving him…just in time. Read more about AJ's story.
"Inclusion Can Never Be a Bad Thing"
No one expected Deran’s inspirational role model to be someone with intellectual disabilities,especially Deran. See how he’s become a force for inclusion!
Role Model for Inclusion: Meet Steven
When COVID-19 hit, Steven was on the ‘front lines,’ making sure his community had everything they needed: taking on not just one job—but two (at a grocery AND at a retail superstore)! Read more about Steven's story.
Congratulations to the Unified Generation
NFL star Eddie Yarbrough learned the importance of including people with intellectual disabilities in his high school; now he's making sure they are recognized as they graduate...and start to build an inclusive world!
The Beginning of Hope
After seeing the impact of inclusion in their own lives, Catherine & Claude are ready to push for change in their homeland, Cameroon: “One day the world will be educated and accept people with disabilities… It will one day come.”
Let Us Shine
Champion athlete/snowboarder Daina’s powerful testimony inspires: why is inclusion not just important—but essential? You’ll see why she’s a Champion FOR Inclusion.
Healthcare for All
天猫618苹果全品类产品成交飙涨 或助产业链公司估值攀升 ...:18 小时前 · 2021-06-18 09:36:13 和讯名家 要闻精选 17日召开的国务院常务会议要求,通过引导贷款利率和债券利率下行等一系列政策,推动金融系统全年向各类伋业 ...
Joyce’s Story
In Africa and elsewhere, Special Olympics conducts crucial outreach to help spread understanding about people with intellectual disabilities. This overcomes harsh stigma and brings new awareness among caregivers and others working with this vulnerable population. Here's just a glimpse into how this has brought new hope to Joyce, a young girl in Uganda.
Special Olympics: 50 Game Changers
ESPN and Special Olympics have teamed up on a year-long storytelling initiative telling the stories of game changing moments toward inclusion.
Dr. Steven Perlman
In the 1990s, Dr. Steve Perlman and Eunice Kennedy Shriver met to discuss the lack of access to health care for people with intellectual disabilities, who were often denied treatment.
Ben and Nell
Nell Coonen-Korte had no idea her passion for sport would inspire the creation of a global inclusive fitness model.
View More Game Changer Videos
Please donate and help us get one more athlete onto the playing field.
Revolutions are made up of real people. Learn how these people have made inclusion more than just a word, but a rule they live by.
外资加速进入搅动“大市场小行业” 航母级券商:2021-6-14 · 日期:2021-06-14 18:30 早上6点多钟的北京西站在静谧中迎来新的一天,就职于北京某券商投行部门的李红(化名)穿梭在略显稀疏的客流之中。 经过一次次体温检测,他在早上6时53分顺利坐上最早一 …
Improving school culture with the power of inclusion.
1 Min Read
Generation Unified
替天行盗_第四百四十九章 也许可能_起点中文网_小说下载:2021-4-28 · 替天行盗最新章节阅读,替天行盗是一部历史小说,由石章鱼创作,起点提供首发更新。第四百七十四章 大家伙(2021.04.07)
1 Min Read
About Intellectual Disabilities
Children and adults with intellectual disabilities inspire us every day at events around the world. But what are intellectual disabilities?
2021辽宁公务员考试行测常识大全:公务员常识40000问 ...:16 小时前 · 2021-06-10 2021辽宁公务员考试行测常识大全:公务员常识40000问(一百七十三) 免责声明:本站所提供试题均来源于网友提供或网络搜集,由本站编辑整理,仅供个人研究、交流学习使用,不涉及商业盈利目的。
Kentucky State Police hold fundraiser for Special Olympics
Kentucky State Police posts across the state are participating in a fundraiser for Special Olympics called Cover the Cruiser.
Shared by Brian Gresham
Special Olympics athletes honor organization's founder with 99 Plunges challenge
Jacob Sare smiled when asked about his accomplishments on the field of play during his two decades of Special Olympics competition.
Shared by Nikki Villaneuva
Special Olympics athlete partners with responders to make coronavirus survival bags
A Special Olympics athlete is making sure her friends aren't forgotten about during these tough times.
Special Olympics Bike Ride Benefit To Return To Orland Park
外资加速进入搅动“大市场小行业” 航母级券商:2021-6-14 · 日期:2021-06-14 18:30 早上6点多钟的北京西站在静谧中迎来新的一天,就职于北京某券商投行部门的李红(化名)穿梭在略显稀疏的客流之中。 经过一次次体温检测,他在早上6时53分顺利坐上最早一 …
Shared by Denise Absher
FromFox 32 Chicago
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Mark Cuevas, star of 'Love is Blind' and Special Olympics Illinois ambassador, previews this year's virtual festival.
Shared by SO Illinois
FromJackson Hole Radio
A Virtual Torch Run Completed For Special Olympics
The Law Enforcement Torch Run to Benefit Special Olympics Wyoming has historically conducted runs leading up to the Special Olympics Wyoming State Summer Games.
FromNew York Times
‘I Will Not Apologize for My Needs’
Even in a crisis, doctors should not abandon the principle of nondiscrimination.
Shared by Crystal Hudson
天行加速2022Vaughts Views
Meet Allya White as part of Special Olympics’ Salute to Summer Games
Concerns and restrictions due to the coronavirus outbreak forced Special Olympics Kentucky to cancel our State Summer Games—the centerpiece of our competition year—for the first time in our history.
Shated by James Bell
FromNew York Times
‘I Will Not Apologize for My Needs’
Even in a crisis, doctors should not abandon the principle of nondiscrimination.
Shared by Crystal Hudson
Special Olympics teams with WWE to promote fitness
The Special Olympics has teamed up with WWE to launch a “School of Strength” fitness campaign in response to athletes needing at-home workouts during the coronavirus pandemic.
Shared by Antonio Myers
2021天津三支一扶考试时政热点:稳健复苏,中国经济积极 ...:2021-6-12 · 2021天津三支一扶考试时政热点:稳健复苏,中国经济积 2021天津三支一扶考试申论范文:紧跟时伋大潮 加速砥 2021天津三支一扶考试行测技巧:考点之大小比较类 2021天津三支一扶考试行测技巧:图形很相似,规律看位 2021天津三支一扶考试行测技巧:空瓶
People with intellectual disabilities are one of the most vulnerable populations to Covid-19, mainly due to their lack of access to healthcare. Here's how the @SpecialOlympics is doing its part on keeping these individuals healthy during the #CoronavirusPandemic (Source: QuickTake)
Shared by Randy White
天貓、京東網店被要求自查3年補稅:2021-6-13 · 大陸網路商家反應,在5月收到當地稅務部門通過電子稅務局發送的「風險自查提示」, 提醒他們存在少記營業收入風險,要求伋業自查近三年伍來存在的漏報問題並補繳稅款伍及 滯納金。 澎湃新聞報導,具體來說是指在天貓、京東等電商平台開設網店的伋業,其向稅務部門申報 的銷售收入與電商 ...
Special Olympics South Carolina Summer Games may be canceled for 2023, but that’s not stopping athletes statewide from staying in shape and staying connected.
Shared by Alex Ross
Jamaal Charles's personal connection to the Special Olympics
"I was hiding something deep inside me." As a child, Jamaal Charles was diagnosed with a learning disability. The Special Olympics changed his life. His story on why he gives back.
FromChiefs Wire - USA Today
高新区发力新基建 重大项目推进加速 应用场景日益丰富:17 小时前 · 2021 06/18 09:51 来源 无锡日报 分享 发力新基建,高新区在行动。近日,无锡汉和航空技术有限公司与中国联通举行5G战略合作签约,共同打造5G ...
The Kansas City Chiefs have two draft picks remaining on Day 3 of the 2023 NFL Draft.
Shared by Carolyn Phillips
Seattle Special Olympics athlete gets a big social distancing 30th birthday bash
Special Olympics athlete Frankie from Seattle celebrated his 30th birthday in style, with help from his family, friends, and the King County Sheriff's Office.
Shared by Brian Gresham
FromPenn State
Campus Recreation’s Unified Basketball League builds bridges with community
Partnering with the local Special Olympics Centre County Chapter, Campus Recreation built the Unified Basketball league to further connect with the local community and provide amazing opportunities to folks with disabilities.
Fromkiii TV (ABC)
Special Olympics Texas introduced their athletes and members of community to new opportunities to stay connected
This digital platform allows for virtual socialization, physical activity, nutrition guidance, and other extracurricular activities to be shared via video.
FromIrish Examiner
Picture Perfect: ‘I was shaking like a leaf with a mixture of nervousness, excitement’
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Shared by Mike Baker
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